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Trucking Memes: 33 Hilarious Trucking Memes to Make you Laugh
November 15, 2023

Trucking Memes: 33 Hilarious Trucking Memes to Make you Laugh

Trucking can be very lonely especially if you don’t have a partner or a pet with you in your truck. However, we are sure that once in a while you receive a hilarious trucking meme from your fellow drivers and you cannot stop laughing. Well, today you don’t have to wait for that message because we have made a collection of some funny trucking memes especially for you. We hope this will cheer up your day!

Let’s get the ball rolling!

Tired, hungry, late for the next dispatch, and in a traffic jam. It cannot get any worse, right?

Source: Twitter

 Until… you get a flat tire...

Source: Pinterest

Or you hit a patch of ice…

Source: Pinterest

Or you get into a trucker’s conversation with some random people that don’t know a thing about trucking! Yeah, we feel ya.

Source: Top Mark Funding

 There are some things that only truckers can relate to like adoring, admiring or naming your truck

We know it’s easy to get attached to your truck, that heavy machinery that provides for you and your family. Don’t worry it’s not just you, it happens to all real professional truck drivers.

Source: Fueloyal

We don't know if it thinks of you, but that thought definitely gave us an opportunity to add it in the most funny trucking memes. 

Source: Tristatesecured

Say cheeeeese! And snap in the truck memes 📸


Source: Tetra Capital

 And yes, it’s a trucker’s thing, and others wouldn’t understand 😂

Source: Pinterest

 All hail to you sir!

Source: Pinterest

While we love connecting with you on Social Media, we know that there can only be one true and original social network for our fellow truck drivers! You prefer this one, right?

Source: Truckers Logic

And after weeks on the road operating an 18-wheeler, driving a car or anything else feels like driving a toy. You just have a hard time getting used to it. Does this happen to you too?

Source: Tristatesecured

We all know that truck drivers have superpowers. Maybe they don’t save a lady in trouble like Spider-Man but they do anticipate truck driver accidents or dangerous situations on the road several seconds before they happen. And yes, they are the most experienced drivers on the road!

Source: Pinterest

Although truck drivers keep America stocked and running many people have different perceptions of what they actually do.

Source: Fueloyal

At least you made it to our truck memes collection to clarify yourself 😉

Source: Pinimg

It better be a good trucker hat if they wear it!

Source: Pinterest

This has to be one of the most funny trucking memes of all times!

Source: Returnloads

Just don't dream in your truck, go for a truck stop to dream in. 

Source: Pinterest

Source: Quick Meme

We're on a mission to find out who the real santa is? 🧐

Source: Pinterest

That must have felt so good!


Source: Saying Images

In this section of the truck memes, this one describes...let’s just not get into this, ok?

Source: Diamond Eve


Source: Meme Generator

And here’s her friend in the park, also a trucker’s wife…

Source: Meme Generator

Joke aside, we want to thank all those trucker’s wives who are patient enough to wait for their husbands. We know it’s hard and you are the biggest heroes! 

Well, there are also some husbands waiting like this for their trucking women.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Return Loads

 Source: Pinterest

 Source: Make Meme

Source: Reddit

The trucker/dispatcher relationship can really have ups and downs.

Source: Truckerslogic

Luckily for our drivers, we have the best dispatchers who care!

Source: Pinterest


Source: Imgflip

Yes, they care about the load getting on time 😂


Just kidding… these are only funny trucking memes. First and foremost our dispatchers care about our drivers because they are part of our family and also they keep America moving! 

Do you want to join the Road Legends team? Apply today and let’s start this journey together!

Source: Topmarkfunding

Now WE just need to get 500 pounds off the trailer and we'll be good… 😅

Source: Img Flip

Take a deep breath and slow down; we got this. 💪 But first we gotta feature you in our funny trucking memes!

Source: Img Flip

At least this collection of funny trucking memes isn't being short haha!

Source: Pinterest

Source: boredpanda.com

The ultimate driving memes is incomplete without having this symbol in the list.

Source: imgflip.com

Speaking of which, you need to check out our list of amazing trucker songs.

Source: ThisisIrelvantContent

We know many people to whom we can send this list of driving memes especially THIS ONE.

Source: Imgflip.com

You sure are qualified for this chapter of driving memes though!

Let’s do it! We’ll have another one to our driving memes then.

Source: ifunny.co

We love the ride!

Source: pinterest

Try picking it up too

Source: memeful

What’s the issue man? 

Source: boredpanda.com

Why are these driving memes so relatable?

Source: Singlesourcedenver

Source: pinterest

On a serious note, no tailgating guys!

Haha, don’t worry! It’s not going to be this bad as we come to an end of our driving memes (hopefully)

Source: boredpanda.com



Author: Road Legends

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